Sunday, August 5, 2012

< V > Idiom - read between the lines

read between the lines

to infer something (from something else);
to try to understand what is meant by something that is not written explicitly or openly

*) After listening to what she said, if you read between the lines, you can begin to see what she really means.
*) Don’t believe everything you read literally. Learn to read between the lines.


read between the lines

Mengambil kesimpulan, mencoba mengerti makna tersirat

1. Setelah mendengar yang dikatakannya, jika engkau bisa mengambil kesimpulan, engkau akan bisa melihat apa yang benar-benar dimaksudkannya.
2. Jangan percaya secara harafiah atas semua yang engkau baca. Belajar untuk mengerti apa yang tersirat.

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