Tuesday, August 14, 2012

< V > TOEFL Vocabulary (131)

Inevitable (adjective) 
incapable of being avoided or evaded 
Age took its inevitable toll on Thurmond as he neared retirement, and he was guided
through the Capitol in a wheelchair.  

Infection (noun) 
contamination of harmful organisms or extremely destructive or harmful matter 
General causes for primary brain cancer can include a prior head injury, infections,
exposure to chemical toxins such as insecticides and fungicides and exposure to radiation
such as microwave or radio frequencies.

Infinite (adjective) 
without beginning or end
Instead it oscillates increasingly rapidly, performing an infinite number of oscillations
in a finite time. 

Inflammatory (adjective) 
tending to cause an instance of irritating, as of a part of the body
It is amazing that even individuals who suffer from inflammatory bowel disease are
often unaware of how their digestive system really works.

Inflict (verb) 
to cause to undergo or bear, as something unwelcome or damaging
Physical violence inflicted on others is an ever-growing epidemic in the United States.

Infrared (adjective) 
situated outside the visible spectrum at its red end -- used of radiation having a wavelength 
between about 700 nanometers and 1 millimeter
The key is the ability of remote-sensing devices to “see” energy in wavelengths not visible
to the human eye, For example infrared bands. 

Infringe (verb) 
an act in defiance of another person’s rights
In 1761, John Adams began to think and write and act against British measures that he
believed infringed on colonial liberties and the right of Massachusetts and the other
colonies to self government.

Ingenuity (noun) 
skill or cleverness in devising or combining; inventiveness
Ingenuity can help get children walking safely, but in the end tax dollars are needed to
build speed bumps, extend curbs or install walk signs that indicate how many seconds
people have left to cross the street. 
Ingredient (noun) 
one of the individual entities contributing to a whole 
Avalanches are formed by a combination of three things that together are known as the 
"Avalanche Triangle." These three ingredients may be present in one location but 
absent 10 feet away. The three legs of the triangle are snowpack, terrain, and weather.

Inhabitant (noun) 
one who lives in a place for an extended period of time
Moon is essentially devoid of water, so no underground supplies could be used by lunar

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