Tuesday, August 14, 2012

< V > TOEFL Vocabulary (157)

Peg (verb) 
to establish the identification of
Today's most sophisticated forecast models cannot peg mountain convection well enough
to assess how it might trigger storm complexes downstream.

Pelt (noun) 
the skin of an animal Many hunters and fur traders sought money in beaver and otter pelts, and deer and
buffalo skins.

Penance (noun) 
act of self-punishment as reparation for guilt, sins, etc.
As penance for their sins, some religions require their members to engage in certain
embarrassing rituals before they can receive forgiveness.
Peninsula (noun) 
a piece of land jutting out into the water and connected with a larger body of land with an 
Jamestown, Virginia, founded during the latter half of the seventeenth century, was built
on a peninsula.

Peppered (verb) 
to direct a concentrated outpouring, as of missiles, words, or blows
The military outpost was peppered with machine gun fire continuously for three hours.

Percentage (noun) 
rate or proportion percent
Binet discovered that the percentage of subnormal children stayed about the same if he
took the ratio between the child’s "mental age" and "chronological age" instead of the
difference between the two.

Perception (noun) 
the condition of being aware; that which exists in the mind as the product of careful mental 
The cognition and perception program represents a very diverse group of faculty and
students with research interests in all areas of cognitive science, including sensation,
perception, motor performance, attention, memory, learning, and decision making.

Perch (adjective) 
a resting place or vantage point; a roost for a bird
When feeding in a field, crows usually post a sentinel on a lofty perch to sound a
warning if any danger should approach.

Peril (noun) 
exposure to the risk of being injured, destroyed, or lost 
With the falloff in old-style agriculture, the region's remarkably diverse plant
community, including many rare wildflower species, is also in peril. 

Peripheral (adjective) 
of minor importance; marginal
Cervantes's book was read as a parody of novels of chivalry until the Romantics revealed
its true importance as a novel. Part one interpolates peripheral episodes into the main

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