Sunday, August 12, 2012

< V > TOEFL Vocabulary (79)

Civilian (noun)  
one not on active duty in a military, police, or fire fighting force; outsider
Scientists and privacy experts who already have seen the use of face recognition
technologies at a Super Bowl and monitoring cameras in London are concerned about
the potential impact of the emerging technologies if they are applied to civilians by
commercial or government agencies outside the Pentagon.

Clad (adjective) 
being covered or clothed with
The park, with its glacier-clad mountains and rich growth of trees and flowers, is often
called America's "last frontier."

Clairvoyance (noun) 
the supposed ability to perceive things that are not in sight or that cannot be seen
Cervantes's work, a keen critique of the literature of his time, presented the clash between
reality and the ideals which Don Quixote sought to revive, and at the same time
originated the theme of the clairvoyance of insanity. 

Clarity (noun) 
the condition of being clean and free of contaminants 
The value of a diamond is determined by its exact quality as defined by the 4C's: Cut,
Color, Clarity and Carat Weight.

 Clash (verb) 
to fail to be in agreement with
Larry clashed with his professor over the grade he had received on his research paper.

Claw (noun) 
pointed horny nail on an animal’s foot
With its razor sharp claws and powerful jaw, the bear is one of the most dangerous
predators in a forest.
Clearing (noun) 
the act of removing the wood and brush from a tract of land
Unaware of the dangers of deforestation, early settlers made clearings, after which
they could plant crops and build settlements.

Clump (verb) 
to move heavily; to be of an irregular shape or of an indefinite size
We can imagine a cloud of weakly interacting massive particles clumped around our
galaxy, with the solar system sweeping through this cloud as we orbit the center of the
Milky Way.

Clumsiness (noun) 
the act of lacking skillfulness in the use of the hands and the body and grace in physical 
Despite the slowness and clumsiness of porcupines on the ground, they are good
climbers because they have long, curving claws on all four paws.

Cluster (noun) 
a number of entities making up or considered a unit
Amphibians lay clusters of eggs in bushes in close proximity to ponds. 

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