Monday, August 13, 2012

< V > TOEFL Vocabulary (92)

Deflect (verb) 
to turn aside especially from a straight course or fixed direction
If the interior is weak, For example, an attempt to deflect it with a nuclear warhead (an
option under consideration) may simply break up the asteroid into many smaller and
uncontrolled pieces. 

Defuse (verb)  
to remove the fuse from a mine or bomb; to make less harmful, potent, or tense
You can tend to your loved one and to yourself by focusing on the rewards of caring for
someone with Alzheimer's disease and by learning to recognize and defuse stress.

 Degradation (noun) 
the act or an instance of demoting
Don Quixote shows how not distinguishing between the two leads to the moral
degradation of his hero and, consequently, of his public. 

Degraded (adjective) 
reduced far below ordinary standards of civilized life and conduct; characterized by 
degeneration of structure or function
Protecting existing habitat and restoring degraded habitat can help the grizzly to
Delectable (adjective) 
highly pleasing, especially to the sense of taste 
The ape inserts a twig into a hole in a termite’s nest, after which it pull outs the twig
covered with delectable insects.

Delegate (noun) 
one who stands in for another; one who is given authority to represent another
In 1776, John Adams was a Massachusetts delegate to the Continental Congress in

Deleterious (adjective) 
harmful often in a subtle or unexpected way
There is increasing evidence that some beached whales may have been stranded as a
result of loud sounds made by mid-range navy sonar. This has produced a great deal of
concern about the possible deleterious effects of noise pollution on marine mammals. 

Delineation (noun) 
a line marking and shaping the outer form of an object
Bialystok asserts that the delineation begins at the age of twenty, at which point begins
a decline in the ability to learn a language.

Delta (noun) 
the alluvial deposit at the mouth of a river
The delta extends outward fifty miles on both sides of the Mississippi River in the area of
Mississippi and Louisiana and experiences floods during the spring.

Demise (noun)
a cessation of existence or activity 
Columbia's demise on Feb. 1, 2003, not only cost the lives of seven astronauts, but also
leaves a gaping hole in the busy shuttle manifest, which is now focused on building and
supplying the International Space Station. 

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