Sunday, October 14, 2012

< TJ > Grammar - Penggunaan 'since'

< T >

By Muhib Didi
3 oct 2012
Facebook page

min, halo. saya kurang mengerti masalah penggunaan since sebagai karena.. mohon dijelaskan. terima kasih

< J >

'since' sebagai 'karena' digunakan untuk penghubung kalimat keterangan SEBAB.

Sebagai penghubung, kata 'since' berdiri di antara 2 kalimat (kalimat utama dan anak kalimat keterangan sebab)

I didn't eat much this lunch break since I had a big portion of nasi goreng as my breakfast this morning.

kalimat utama: I didn't eat much this lunch break
penghubung: since
anak kalimat keterangan sebab: I had a big portion of nasi goreng as my breakfast this morning

kata penghubung yang lain selain 'since':
-now that
-inasmuch as

* I didn't eat much this lunch break because I had a big portion of nasi goreng as my breakfast this morning.
* Several workers missed their shifts as the recent change in work shift was not posted.
* We can start the conference now that all the participants have arrived.
* The outcome of the election cannot be announced inasmuch as all the votes have not yet been counted.

Jika anak kalimat diletakkan di depan, tanda koma harus dipakai untuk memisahkan anak kalimat dan induk kalimat.

* Because I had a big portion of nasi goreng as my breakfast this morning, I didn't each much this lunch break.
* As the recent change in work shift was not posted, several workers missed their shifts.
* Now that all the participants have arrived, we can start the conference.
* Inasmuch as all the votes have not yet been counted, the outcome of the election cannot be announced.

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