Tuesday, August 14, 2012

< V > TOEFL Vocabulary (187)

Spontaneously (adverb) 
on impulse without a prior plan
This contrasts sharply with human children, who pick up thousands of words

Sprawling (adjective) 
to spread or grow outward
The rising costs of housing in Los Angeles have caused a sprawling metropolis of
interconnected cities in the inland areas of Southern California.

Spread out (verb) 
to extend over a wide area  
The temperature will drop in the envelope as well, as the particles become so spread out
that they no longer are colliding enough to create tremendous heat.  

Springboard (noun) 
a point of departure; a jumping-off place
A degree in psychology is an excellent springboard for entering the world of business,
industry, and organizations.

Squeeze (verb) 
to extract liquid by applying pressure
When venom is squeezed out of the gland by muscles, it enters the fang through an
opening at the upper end.

Stability (noun) 
reliability in withstanding pressure, force, or stress
Some soil and rock types are more prone to land sliding than others, and landowners
should determine the inherent geologic stability of their property before beginning
construction activities.

Stack up (verb) 
to add up; to measure up  
The trick to the principle of the three red flags is to recognize when these events are
beginning to stack up and work against you. 

Stake (noun) 
at issue : in jeopardy
Primary and secondary schools have a stake because, to create diverse classrooms,
some of the nation's 15,000 districts use race in setting attendance policies and school

Stance (noun) 
intellectual or emotional attitude
Japan has been one of the few developed countries willing to engage directly with
Myanmar and the aid warning is being seen as a significant toughening of its stance. 

Stand with (verb) 
to be united with; to bring or come together into a united whole
Sitting Bull and the Sioux realized they could not defeat the army alone, and they must
stand with other tribes. 

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