Sunday, August 12, 2012

< V > TOEFL Vocabulary (66)

Aqueduct (noun) 
artificial channel for carrying water, sometimes in the form of a bridge supported by tall
columns across a valley 
Some of the water takes a different route, at which point it is carried off by an aqueduct
before it reaches the canals. 

Archive (noun)   
collection of something, especially public or document documents
Frozen archives, or ice cores, give scientists unprecedented views of global climate over
the eons.

Aromatic (adjective) 
having a pleasant odor
Used as both a prevention and treatment to many illnesses, aromatic herbs in China
were highly valued in ancient times.

Arrogantly (adverb) 
with a conceited belief in one’s superiority to others
Psychics realize that we arrogantly think of ourselves as unique and as more different 
than similar, when in fact it is just the opposite.  

Artery (noun) 
one of the tubular vessels that carry blood from the heart through the rest of the body 
High blood pressure is caused by a resistance to the flow of blood greater than that
usually caused by constriction of small arteries throughout the human body.

Articulate (verb) 
to put into words
John Adams, in his speeches and writings, articulated the colonial cause and brilliantly
championed American rights in Congress.

Artifact (noun) 
manmade objects
Vinland, the first European Settlement in the New World, was not believed to be true
until archaeologists discovered ancient artifacts in 1960. 

Artificially (adverb) 
the manner in which something is produced by man; not natural
Slab and other avalanches can be hard or soft, wet or dry and can be triggered naturally
or artificially.

Assail (verb) 
to attack with harsh, often insulting language; to set upon with violent force
Professor Johnson, accusing the student of blatant plagiarism, assailed the student for
several minutes.

Assassinate (verb) 
the act of killing someone for political or religious reasons
It was unfortunate that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. 

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