Sunday, August 12, 2012

< V > TOEFL Vocabulary (67)

Assert (verb) 
to state to be true; to put into words positively and with conviction
King sympathized with the student movement and spoke at the founding meeting of the
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) in April 1960, but he soon became
the target of criticisms from SNCC activists determined to assert their independence.

Assessment (noun) 
the act or result of judging the worth or value of something or someone
The instructor will write comments and suggestions on your final draft, and you may
choose to keep the grade he gives you or you may revise and resubmit it for

Associative (adjective)  
resembling someone or something which is united in relationship with another
An example of associative learning is classical conditioning, a form of learning in
which two stimuli are associated so that the first evokes the response that normally
follows the second.

Assume (verb) 
to take something for granted without direct proof
Because of this, we can assume that formal instruction has less of an impact on one’s
learning of English as compared with immersion in that culture or society. 

Asteroid (noun) 
any of the small celestial bodies orbiting around the sun, especially between the orbit of 
Mars and Jupiter.
In the late 1970s, James Arnold of the University of California, San Diego, suggested that
impacting comets and water rich asteroids could add water to the lunar surface.

Atheist (noun) 
one who denies the existence of a God
Suggesting that there is no concrete proof for the existence of a supreme being, some
people are atheists.  

Atmospheric (adjective) 
of or relating to air
Turner and Crook are using a finer scale model built by NCAR scientist Terry Clark to
look more closely at mountain convection and how it relates to the larger scale
atmospheric flow. 

Atom (noun)   
smallest particle of a chemical element that can take part in a chemical reaction
Most of the water was split by sunlight into its constituent atoms of hydrogen and
oxygen and lost into space, but some migrated by literally hopping along to places where
it was very cold.     

Atrocity (noun) 
a monstrous offense or evil  
Even though the gorilla has been attributed to many atrocities, it is usually a peace-
loving creature that would rather retreat than fight its enemy.

Attribute to (verb) 
to regard as belonging to or resulting from another
Sulfates, which originate primarily in coal fired power plants, started rising around
1900, which is partially attributed to increased volcanic activity in the Caribbean
around the turn of the century.

Audit (noun) 
to methodically examine and review
A recent audit by the inspector general at the Justice Department found ''significant
problems'' with the detentions, including allegations of physical abuse. 

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