Monday, August 13, 2012

< V > TOEFL Vocabulary (98)

Disruptive (adjective) 
troubling to the mind or emotions
Driven by dizzying mutations in medical costs, program directors and staff ponder the
disruptive dynamism of these new healthcare reforms.

Disseminate (verb) 
to pass something out; to spread out 
Many plants depend upon the wind to disseminate their pollen.

Dissertation (noun) 
a formal, lengthy exposition on a topic
Graduation requirements include an empirical research project, a general preliminary
examination, and a dissertation project.

Dissipate (verb)  
to disappear by or as if by dispersal of particles
Helping to dissipate heat, the large neck of the giraffe serves as a cooling tower.

Dissociate (verb) 
to break the ties of connection between; to separate from
A child may dissociate, and create an alternative personality to handle severe sexual or
physical abuse. 

Distinctly (adverb) 
so as to be easily perceived and understood
Language is a form of speech distinctly different from others, adding for good measure
not, or only partially, intelligible to others without special study.

Distinguishable (adjective) 
making noticeable or different from something else
Brown diamond shaped markings are found along the middle of the rattlesnake’s back.
These distinguishable markings stand out against their lighter body color. 

Distort (verb) 
to twist out of a natural, normal, or original shape or condition; to cause to be perceived 
The agency is trying to find a way to modify the machines with an electronic fig leaf
programming that fuzzes out sensitive body parts or distorts the body so it is

Divergent (adjective) 
departing from the normal; not like another in nature, quality, amount, or form
While healthcare strategies abound from diverse viewpoints and divergent professional
groups, no one strategy has all the answers to reform the medical healthcare enterprise.

Diversity (noun) 
the quality of being made of many different elements, forms, kinds, or individuals
Colleges seek an equal diversity in its applicants by looking at background, experience,
and previous scholastic achievement. 

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