Sunday, September 23, 2012

< TJ > Vocabulary - Arti 'come up', 'light up'

By: Jefri Lumban Gaol
via facebook
16 Sept 2012

< T >


.come up
.light up


< J >
come up
1. To manifest itself; arise:
--> muncul, timbul
contoh: The question never came up.
(Pertanyaan itu tidak pernah muncul.)

2. To rise above the horizon:
--> Timbul di permukaan
contoh: The sun came up.
(Matahari terbit.)

3. To rise, as in status or rank:
--> Naik dalam status atau pangkat
contoh: A general who came up from the ranks.
Jenderal yang naik pangkat dari prajurit.

4. To draw near; approach:
--> mendekat
contoh: came up and said hello.
(mendekat dan menyapa)

light up
 1. To become or cause to become animated or cheerful.
--> menjadi bersemangat atau bergembira

 2. To start smoking a cigarette, cigar, or pipe.
--> memulai untuk merokok
contoh: Do you have to light up another cigarette?
(Apa engkau harus menyalakan rokok sebatang lagi)

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