Tuesday, October 16, 2012

< TJ > Grammar - sentence comprehension & sentence relationship

< T > 
By Syifa Azzahra
11 oct 2012
via facebook  

Admin smg sll semngat berbgi ilmu, aku mau tanya apa yang dimaksud dg sentence comprehension dan sentence relationship, tolong kasih contohnya, terima kasih
min, sukses sll

< J >

A) sentence comprehension itu adalah kemampuan untuk memahami bacaan, baik menyangkut dari aspek struktur kalimat dan aspek ambiguity:

(1) The criminal confessed his sins harmed too many people.
(informal writing, lebih cocok untuk dipakai pada percakapan dengan menggunakan jeda setelah kata 'confessed')

bandingkan dengan

(2) The criminal confessed that his sins harmed too many people. (formal writing)

jika tidak menganalisa ulang, seseorang bisa saja bingung membaca kalimat (1) setelah karena setelah kalimat 'The criminal confessed his sins', dia kemudian
menemukan kata kerja 'harmed'.

ambiguity (berarti lebih dari satu)
(3) Time flies like an arrow
bisa berarti
- Time moves as quickly as an arrow
- A special kind of fly, called time fly, likes arrows
- Measure the speed of flies like you would measure the speed of an arrow.

Usually, readers will be only aware of the first interpretation.

(4) The spy shot the daughter of the colonel who was standing on the balcony.
(who was standing on the balcony? the daughter or the colonel?

untuk ambiguity, solusinya harus mengerti konteksnya, jadi tidak ambil arti yang salah.


B) Sentence Relationship adalah hubungan dalam rangkaian kata pada kalimat atau antar kalimat sehingga membentuk arti yang jelas dan mudah dimengerti.
Penggunaan kata penghubung (connector/transition words) menunjukkan hubungan tersebut.

(5) Jack is a very poor basketball player; therefore, he should be taken off the team.
(hubungan cause/effect)

(6) George Washington was very much admired as a soldier and statesman, but in his private life, he was described by some as proud and demanding.
(hubungan contrast)

(7) There are thousands of thoughts that might enter your conscious mind at any given moment; moreover, those thoughts are in some way related to your interests, hopes, needs, and desires.
(hubungan addition)

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