Setiap kalimat harus memiliki 1 subject dan 1 predikat (verb) pada kalimat utamanya.
Kesalahan umum berikut harus dihindari pada bagian menulis di TOEFL:
1. Fragment (kalimat tidak lengkap)
(wrong) Because Earth is our home.
(correct) Because Earth is our home, we need to protect our natural resources.
2. Run-on (penyambungan kalimat yang salah)
(wrong) Most movies were only one minute long, one director put several short films together to make longer movies.
(correct) Most movies were only one minute long; however, one directo put several short films together to make longer movies.
3. Subyek lebih dari 1
(wrong) Private companies they should spend more money to clean up pollution.
(correct) Private companies should spend more money to clean up pollution.
4. Predikat/Kata Kerja yang salah
(wrong) An injury to the cornea leading to an ulcer or a scar.
(correct) An injury to the cornea may lead to an ulcer or a scar.
5. Subjek dan Predikat/Kata Kerja tidak cocok
(wrong) The unity of all parts are the main feature of this style.
(correct) The unity of all parts is the main feature of this style.
6. Kata Ganti tidak cocok
(wrong) The best way to prevent an eye injury is to prevent them from happening.
(correct) The best way to prevent an eye injury is to prevent it from happening.
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